Exactly 15 hours until my birthday! Aren't you excited? I am. I do believe though, that it will be a rather boring New Year's Eve. We are not having a party at our house and don't know yet what we are going to do. Oh well. Sometimes its just best to wing it.
And here's hoping the government lets us go early....
(just a nice little spot to ramble, dream, and try out different parts of writing ventures)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Word of the Day
Today's Word of the Day is Tacit - 1. implied or understood without being openly expressed, 2. saying nothing; silent.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Word of the Day
Today's Word of the Day is Sacrilege meaning an intentional injury to anything held sacred; disrespectful treatment of something sacred.
Yesterday's Word of the Day was Ramble - 1. to wander about, 2. a walk for pleasure without predetermined destination, and 3. to talk or write about one thing and then another without useful connection.
Saturday's Word of the Day was Qualify - 1. to make or become fit or competent, 2. to give legal power; to make or become legally capable, 3. to make less strong; to modify or limit the strength or meaning of, and 4. to characterize by attributing some quality to.
Yesterday's Word of the Day was Ramble - 1. to wander about, 2. a walk for pleasure without predetermined destination, and 3. to talk or write about one thing and then another without useful connection.
Saturday's Word of the Day was Qualify - 1. to make or become fit or competent, 2. to give legal power; to make or become legally capable, 3. to make less strong; to modify or limit the strength or meaning of, and 4. to characterize by attributing some quality to.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Word of the Day
Okay, here we go again: I probably have a month's worth but we will start out slow.
Today's Word of the Day is Paltry - 1. almost worthless; trifling, 2. of no worth; contemptible, despicable.
12/25 Word of the Day was Oblique - 1. something oblique, such as a line or figure, 2. in military use, by turning 45 degrees, 3. not straight up and down or across; slanting, 4. a muscle attached at an oblique angle to the structure that it controls, 5. having unequal sides; situated obliquely instead of transverse or longitudinal, 6. not straightforward; indirect. (wow, now what does that word mean exactly....)
Today's Word of the Day is Paltry - 1. almost worthless; trifling, 2. of no worth; contemptible, despicable.
12/25 Word of the Day was Oblique - 1. something oblique, such as a line or figure, 2. in military use, by turning 45 degrees, 3. not straight up and down or across; slanting, 4. a muscle attached at an oblique angle to the structure that it controls, 5. having unequal sides; situated obliquely instead of transverse or longitudinal, 6. not straightforward; indirect. (wow, now what does that word mean exactly....)
Wow, the kids are still sleeping, hubby went hunting, and I'm awake. There is so much cleaning to do and I just don't want to do it. Need to make coffee first thing, I need a jump. Seriously, everyone is thrilled with their gifts, it was a very good Christmas. Oh yeah, but I'm glad its over. Have a nice Friday!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! I hope your day is jolly. Yes, yes, my kids got everything they wanted (and then some). My hubby got me a really nice framed picture of Troy Polamalu, love it, and an official Steeler's helmet signed by Jerome Bettis with the extra "bus" signature. It is great! And my oldest son got me a really nice framed picture of the Steeler's logo and the old 3 Rivers Stadium. Yeah!
Life is good!
Life is good!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I think blogging is the best thing ever invented. If I just want to say something meaningless, or if no one is around and I just want to hear myself talk, this is the place. Thanks Blogger!
So an early Christmas present, and totally unexpected, is that my boss told me to work from home today. And I am working, and I am doing other things that I have to get done also, how great is that! The kids are at their dad's, my hubby is hunting, and I get the whole house to myself for most of the day, I'm loving life right now.
Have a great Christmas Eve!
So an early Christmas present, and totally unexpected, is that my boss told me to work from home today. And I am working, and I am doing other things that I have to get done also, how great is that! The kids are at their dad's, my hubby is hunting, and I get the whole house to myself for most of the day, I'm loving life right now.
Have a great Christmas Eve!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Well, yesterday was a hell of a football Sunday. My Steelers lost to my hubby's Titans. I'm really okay with that and here's my logic: The top of the AFC will most likely end up playing Baltimore and I don't want to play Baltimore any earlier than the AFC championship game. Let Tennessee fight them first and then we will beat whomever wins. Yes, we lost yesterday, but I'm pretty sure we won't lose to them (or Baltimore again). Yes, I do believe Baltimore will make it through to the championship game. That sucks!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Today is baking day. I have to bake my Candy Cane Rolls, Christmas Cookies, and whatever else. I already made Cinnamon Rolls for the boys, so I am ready to go. Of course, I have to get a shower, dry my hair, make my grocery list, go to the grocery store, and THEN bake. The house will smell good at least.
And for a cold and dreary day, this is just what I need. Home baking.
And for a cold and dreary day, this is just what I need. Home baking.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wow, love my Dare. What an awesome phone (so far). It is way too cool. My son is going to love his! He keeps saying he wants mine and I keep telling him that Christmas is next Thursday and you never know what you may get for Christmas. He doesn't like that response very much. He is complaining about the texting on his old, old Chocolate, you see, he got used to the qwerty keyboard on the u740 I handed down to him and now can't stand the normal number pad. Only a week to go, I hope I can hold him off.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I told you that I am spoiled, and I am. I got my new Dare yesterday, activated it this morning, and can't really play around with it yet because I am at work. J's new/used Dare hopefully will arrive today, he wants mine, doesn't know that he is getting one also. And now B wants my voyager, doesn't know that he is getting a new/used phone also. They just have to wait 9 more days, that's all. Hang in there boys!
Monday, December 15, 2008
What a great (horrible) Steeler game! The only good thing about it was the resulting "W". Now we can go on and win the AFC conferencec when we take down the Titans next week. I think they should be scared. Our defense is simply phenomenal, and at times, our offense gets lucky. That's why you play the games, and "any given Sunday".
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The tree is up, my roots have been touched up, and B scored the first 4 points in his basketball game yesterday. With a total of 6, his team went on to rout the other team 37-13. Awesome game! Let's do it again today. Both boys have games today, which will make me miss the 1st quarter of my Steeler game, or should I say bloodbath game. Hate the ravens, absolutely despise the ravens. The hire murderers, they suck, they cheat, they are nasty. GO STEELERS!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Saturday morning, my husband is hunting, my boys are at their dad's for the weekend, and I'm getting up late. Okay, its really not late, but I had a lot of plans today that already are going to get screwed up. By the time I touch up my roots and actually get a shower, it will almost be time to go to B's basketball game. I guess I could just go shopping straight from there, but I wanted the tree up early today. That's the screwup. Oh well, plans were made to be broken. Happy Saturday!
Friday, December 12, 2008
So pretty much a quiet, dreary, cold Friday. They teased us with a winter storm advisory in Loudoun County and my kids were starting to get excited. Of course you know, if you live in this area, that a tiny snowflake can cause the schools to shut down and put all the idiots on the roads going at least 30 miles under the posted speed limit. But alas, no snow, just rain. Oh well, plenty of time for snow left in the season, actually its not even winter yet, technically.
Just S and I are here at work, the boss and D are not in today, it should be an extremely quiet day, considering we are both relatively new and really do not have any work to do. I guess eBay will get a lot of visits.
Just S and I are here at work, the boss and D are not in today, it should be an extremely quiet day, considering we are both relatively new and really do not have any work to do. I guess eBay will get a lot of visits.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
So I got my number 3 son a new cell phone for Christmas and now, yesterday, my number 2 son's cell phone went to a white screen. He didn't do anything to it, and it was a hand-me-down of mine. So I am forced to buy another cell phone. That's fine, not that big of a deal, so I did. I bought me an Lg Dare and can pass my Voyager on to him. Well, he can't stand the Voyager, wants a Dare. I know, I know, I spoil my boys sometimes. What's a mom to do? They went without "things" for a long while there when we had absolutely no money and the house was ready to go into foreclosure. Now that things are good, house loan was restructured, new job, much more money, I guess I feel like I need to make it up to them. So, yes, I caved, I'm looking for another Dare. I really should just let him have the one I already bought, but I did without also. I'm just there......
Oh yeah, and I can't forget, I am very thankful for everything lately. Just had to mention that.
Oh yeah, and I can't forget, I am very thankful for everything lately. Just had to mention that.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Today has flown by at work. I don't know what it is, but having meetings in the morning (it only last 2 hours) just pushes the day by. I love it. And yes, it really is still Monday.
And yes (2), my husband is still an asshole. He really needs to grow up and stop drinking as much as he does. I know I am not 100% innocent, but its really hard to talk things out when a. he's not home, b. he's always at the bar, c. he's never wrong, and d. he can't talk, he has to scream. GO TO HELL HUSBAND!
And yes (2), my husband is still an asshole. He really needs to grow up and stop drinking as much as he does. I know I am not 100% innocent, but its really hard to talk things out when a. he's not home, b. he's always at the bar, c. he's never wrong, and d. he can't talk, he has to scream. GO TO HELL HUSBAND!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My husband is such an asshole, he is the most self-centered, me, me, me, me bastard I know. If it doesn't go the way he plans, or someone doesn't listen to what he says, or its not all about him, he has hissy fits, seriously, girly hissy fits. And then he decides he won't talk to you and just walks around and ignores you. What a fuckin' asshole. Grow the hell up!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
online from my voyager
so i am sending this online via my phone. that means that i am not limited to 160 characters and i can verify that aliens won't change my text into foreign characters. so Pitt won today (football) and are probably going to the Sun bowl. Its been a while.
My biggest news though, for the day, besides my son winning his first bball game of the season, is that BROAD RUN WINS STATES!!! We haven't ever been to states before in football and we went out in a snowstorm and shut them out! How awesome is that? Its great! Congrats to Broad Run Spartans!
My biggest news though, for the day, besides my son winning his first bball game of the season, is that BROAD RUN WINS STATES!!! We haven't ever been to states before in football and we went out in a snowstorm and shut them out! How awesome is that? Its great! Congrats to Broad Run Spartans!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Okay, so I really don't like the look of my blog again. I know what I want, but I can't find it, and I definitely can't create it myself. I am not graphically oriented. I guess I'll just start looking again for a cool template. It's hard to find because of the classic vs. updated. The classic templates I like haven't been converted and if I use them, I can't use the widgets. Oh well, if that was only the worst of my problems.
Have a great TGIF!
Have a great TGIF!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Succeeded at NaBloPoMo, but failed miserably at NaNoWriMo. I think I posted a total of 300 words or something. Well, its more than I did last year which was a whopping "0". I have been a bit indifferent about my reading also since I got the new job, I'm not sure what's going on with me. I need to get my butt back into the writing mode gear and out of neutral.
So my Steelers rock! If we can play next week, the way we played our second half of yesterday's game, no one will beat us, GO PITTSBURGH!
So my Steelers rock! If we can play next week, the way we played our second half of yesterday's game, no one will beat us, GO PITTSBURGH!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
NaBloPoMo winner!
I did it, I did it, I did it! I blogged all November for NaBloPoMo (in reality, I've now blogged for 2 months straight). Woo Hoo. But it was a challenge and I met that challenge.
Here is a cute cartoon I found a while back in the Washington Post.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
"Oh the weather outside is delightful, the house inside is frightful, have no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."
Yes, the sun is shining, it is pleasantly not cold, and my house is a complete disaster. I don't even know where to start in the living room to get the kid's junk all cleaned up and furniture moved to put the Christmas tree up. AAARRGGHH!
Okay, so I got home from work yesterday, stopped at the bar and had 3 beers, and was home by 5:00pm. So my evening/night went like this: fed the dog, made myself a rum and diet pepsi, plopped down on my recliner around 6:00pm and fell asleep. I woke back up around 10:00pm, made some toast, and went back to sleep in my recliner. I finally woke up at 2:00am and was up until 5:00am watching CSIs. Made myself go to bed and got up this morning around 11:00am. I just couldn't see wasting a precious, all-alone, Saturday in bed. So I'll go get a shower soon and maybe venture out to Target or somewhere. Get a little bit of shopping accomplished.
Have a great day! And one more day to win NaBloPoMo, I am so excited to be able to follow through on something like this, very proud of myself.
Yes, the sun is shining, it is pleasantly not cold, and my house is a complete disaster. I don't even know where to start in the living room to get the kid's junk all cleaned up and furniture moved to put the Christmas tree up. AAARRGGHH!
Okay, so I got home from work yesterday, stopped at the bar and had 3 beers, and was home by 5:00pm. So my evening/night went like this: fed the dog, made myself a rum and diet pepsi, plopped down on my recliner around 6:00pm and fell asleep. I woke back up around 10:00pm, made some toast, and went back to sleep in my recliner. I finally woke up at 2:00am and was up until 5:00am watching CSIs. Made myself go to bed and got up this morning around 11:00am. I just couldn't see wasting a precious, all-alone, Saturday in bed. So I'll go get a shower soon and maybe venture out to Target or somewhere. Get a little bit of shopping accomplished.
Have a great day! And one more day to win NaBloPoMo, I am so excited to be able to follow through on something like this, very proud of myself.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Turkey Day
Happy Thanksgiving to all! It is a day to be thankful for. It's just going to be a nice calm day around here. My kids are at their dad's until Sunday, my hubby is hunting right now, and I am getting ready to bake bread (mmmm, love that smell). In about an hour and a half, I will put in my Italian spiced turkey, my hubby will come home, and we will head out to his sister's for a couple of hours. After that we will come home, pull the turkey out, get the rest of the feast cooked and eat. Then, my hubby will once again leave for hunting. I really don't mind that, I enjoy the quiet time and we (I) will have leftovers. I absolutely love Thanksgiving leftovers. So I better get a move on it, I still need a shower.
And I have blogged every day this month (so far), 3 more days to go!
Everyone have a great, safe, and happy Thanksgiving!
And I have blogged every day this month (so far), 3 more days to go!
Everyone have a great, safe, and happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's the day before Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Eve) and the day before a holiday, for us "feds" usually seems like a holiday also. Hardly anyone going to work and usually the government closes down early. Gotta love the perks. The bus and metro were very dead this morning, now going home might be a different story only because if the government shuts down early, everyone will be leaving at the same time. They don't do staggered closings anymore. Oh well, can't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Have a great Thanksgiving Eve.
Have a great Thanksgiving Eve.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
So the saga continues: what saga? I don't know. I'm getting busier at work, not 100% busy, but more into the planning. I'm definitely not as bored, which is to be expected when you first start a job; learning the company, learning the business, gathering background information, etc. I still think this is the best move I could have made.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Good Monday Morning! And it is so far. Wonder how this week will work out; 4 day work week interrupted in the middle, kids have 2 days of school and they leave for their dad's Wednesday night until Sunday and then of course, Thanksgiving and hubby leaves that night for hunting until Sunday. I think it is going to be a great week! I love my kids and hubby, but I also love my alone time. There's nothing wrong with that.
So this is week 3 of my new job, pay period 2, can't wait to see what the paycheck brings next week.
Have a good day!
So this is week 3 of my new job, pay period 2, can't wait to see what the paycheck brings next week.
Have a good day!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It's Football Sunday already. This weekend passed way too quickly. I have no games to watch today (since, you will remember, my Steelers smoked the bungals on Thursday night). Guess I have to watch my hubby's Titans, they just can't go 11 and 0. Have a nice day.
Only 7 more days of November NaBloPoMo, I think I can do it. Go Me!
Only 7 more days of November NaBloPoMo, I think I can do it. Go Me!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Got a message from our Watch Office announcing that the National Weather Service has issued a "chance of snow flurries or snow showers". Come on, are you serious, that's not worth a weather advisory. Well, actually, in this area, I might be wrong. If a single flake is int he air, people are white knuckling their steering wheel, slamming on their brakes, driving 15 miles under the posted limit. Ok, I'll rethink that announcement. (how ridiculous)
Oh yeah, I seriously love my new job. I am actually working, planning, doing things that will ultimately better the agency. It is so cool! I just hope I can live up to the expectations. (I'm sure I will)
It's Friday, I've worked a whole pay period, woo hoo! And I found out that my previous federal employment has been credited. Each 2-week pay period I am accruing 6 hours of leave, instead of the start-off 4 hours. What a surprise that is, it's great.
Have a lovely evening!
Oh yeah, I seriously love my new job. I am actually working, planning, doing things that will ultimately better the agency. It is so cool! I just hope I can live up to the expectations. (I'm sure I will)
It's Friday, I've worked a whole pay period, woo hoo! And I found out that my previous federal employment has been credited. Each 2-week pay period I am accruing 6 hours of leave, instead of the start-off 4 hours. What a surprise that is, it's great.
Have a lovely evening!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
One of these days I really will catch up on the Word of the Day, it will just be a long, long list. Another long project plan meeting this morning. Yesterday's lasted 3 1/2 hours, we were all brain dead after that (it did make the day go fast though). Today's shouldn't last nearly that long.
Hubby is still in Orange County hunting, or trying to hunt. No one has gotten anything yet and few have actually seen any deer. He comes home bright and early Sunday morning. I would take the kids to Pittsburgh this weekend, but B has 2 basketball scrimmages on Saturday afternoon.
So I'm trying out various times (like 5/10 minute increments) on when I get to the bus and then where I get off the metro. This morning was a later bus and I had to stand on the metro! That was a pain. Practice makes perfect; one of these days I will find the perfect timing (maybe).
Hubby is still in Orange County hunting, or trying to hunt. No one has gotten anything yet and few have actually seen any deer. He comes home bright and early Sunday morning. I would take the kids to Pittsburgh this weekend, but B has 2 basketball scrimmages on Saturday afternoon.
So I'm trying out various times (like 5/10 minute increments) on when I get to the bus and then where I get off the metro. This morning was a later bus and I had to stand on the metro! That was a pain. Practice makes perfect; one of these days I will find the perfect timing (maybe).
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Today was a day of meetings, finally getting to use my computer, finding alot of archived documents that I need to review for background, and getting my BlackBerry. Now, the BB just needs to be hooked up to the network and I will be in business. Oh yeah, after I figure out everything I can do with it. I am wired! And it's Titanium.
Monday, November 17, 2008
hmmm, so once again an alien interpreted my phone post. I don't even remember what I was saying, and I'm too lazy to go to the kitchen to get my phone and look at my sent messages. Oh well. It was a sort of long day today, but I did finally get connected at work, that's a bonus. And I did find out that the reason I don't have my BlackBerry yet is because she (???) was waiting on the new ones to come in. Now remember, this is the government, so new may not necessarily mean latest and greatest. I guess we will find out tomorrow or the next day.
Why does my goofy youngest son always have to bother me when I am on the computer? Now that he's read what I just typed, he laughed and is getting embarrassed.
Gotta go and take him, the goofy one, to basketball practice.
Why does my goofy youngest son always have to bother me when I am on the computer? Now that he's read what I just typed, he laughed and is getting embarrassed.
Gotta go and take him, the goofy one, to basketball practice.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
So a blog is a blog is a blog. It's really not important to anyone except me. And I am now halfway to the whole month of November (NaBloPoMo).
So get this: it really ticks me off. Besides the fact that we are playing pretty much no 1:00pm games this season, they take my husband's team, the Titans, and move them to 4:00pm today. That's when my game is, so who do you think gets the sound and the big screen, none other than the big jerk, of course. That just sucks.
So get this: it really ticks me off. Besides the fact that we are playing pretty much no 1:00pm games this season, they take my husband's team, the Titans, and move them to 4:00pm today. That's when my game is, so who do you think gets the sound and the big screen, none other than the big jerk, of course. That just sucks.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So after a long (short) first week of work, after the boys were picked up by their dad, I went up to the bar. It was about 6:30pm. Had a few beers and I was home by 8:30pm. So what did I do, I sat down in the recliner and promptly fell asleep. I woke up at 10:05pm, thought about going out, walking up to the bar or the other pub, decided not to decide until I took another nap and finally woke up in the chair at 1:00am. Well, there was still time to go out, but I went straight to bed and didn't get out of bed until 10:30am. That's 12 hours of sleep, I must have really needed it. I guess that's what stress (and complete house emptiness) does to you, it was rather nice now that I think about it. Thanks!
Oh yeah, and my Panthers won their opening NCAA Basketball game, GO PITT!
Oh yeah, and my Panthers won their opening NCAA Basketball game, GO PITT!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wow, leaving work at 4:00 makes such a huge difference - for the worst. I had to stand on the metro, I walked to the Foggy Bottom metro, so I only had to stand for 7 stops, but still. And then, not making any sense, there were only 9 people on the bus. Don't get it. Oh well, suck it up, it is still all for the better. I got my computer at work today, never did get it connected to the LAN, guess that will have to wait until Monday. And I'm assuming I will get my BlackBerry on Monday or Tuesday. The lady in our office who takes care of them was out all week.
So, all in all, it was a great week!
So, all in all, it was a great week!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday! I almost forgot to blog, what a huge mistake that would be. I have almost made it through half of NaBloPoMo, I'm on a roll. It's a little hard to keep up with it since I DON"T HAVE A COMPUTER AT WORK YET. Hopefully tomorrow.
I will catch up on all this week's Words of the Day also, probably over the weekend. One more day and I will have worked my first week at my new job. YEAH!
I will catch up on all this week's Words of the Day also, probably over the weekend. One more day and I will have worked my first week at my new job. YEAH!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So I started my new job yesterday, it was a long short day. All morning was orientation. They finally figured out where I was then supposed to go (my office) and I read some more. After a while my 2 co-workers and I went out to lunch. Came back and read some more, filled out some more forms and went home at 3:00 (hence the short part). This will be good, it feels fabulous being back in safety and can't wait to see the first paycheck.
And today is Veteran's Day, so I am off. What perks!
I haven't done word of the day in a few days, I'll get back to it a little later. One child is off to school, the other is eating waffles, I'm going to get a shower and then....I think I am going gambling. My husband will be working hard all day trying to finish 2 jobs so he can leave for hunting tomorrow. If he doesn't finish, he may not leave until Thursday. Noooooo, please leave tomorrow, I need some peace. Okay, I pick on him alot, I know. He is just so opinionated and gets mad at the tiniest little things, he needs to buy some patience. I will admit he has calmed down alot since I met him, but still. Oh well, it is what it is.
Have a great day and one of these days I really am going to change and fix my template.
And today is Veteran's Day, so I am off. What perks!
I haven't done word of the day in a few days, I'll get back to it a little later. One child is off to school, the other is eating waffles, I'm going to get a shower and then....I think I am going gambling. My husband will be working hard all day trying to finish 2 jobs so he can leave for hunting tomorrow. If he doesn't finish, he may not leave until Thursday. Noooooo, please leave tomorrow, I need some peace. Okay, I pick on him alot, I know. He is just so opinionated and gets mad at the tiniest little things, he needs to buy some patience. I will admit he has calmed down alot since I met him, but still. Oh well, it is what it is.
Have a great day and one of these days I really am going to change and fix my template.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Oh no! This is it. I start a new job tomorrow. Actually, according to the government, I am employed today, today is the start of the pay period and I am on it. Believe me, I'm not opposed to change, I can't wait, it is just going to be the strangest thing. I have been at the same 2 places for the last 18 years and it will be sooooo different. A whole new culture, anxiety and apprehension are present.
I went shopping yesterday, for myself. This is something I haven't done in about 3 years. Money is tight, I don't usually by myself clothes, but yesterday I spent some money, probably money I don't have. But that's how important this job is. It will be worth it.
Go Steelers! We play the Colts today and it shouldn't be a good game, we should blow them out, but I think I get nervous for every game because its like they say: "any given Sunday".
I went shopping yesterday, for myself. This is something I haven't done in about 3 years. Money is tight, I don't usually by myself clothes, but yesterday I spent some money, probably money I don't have. But that's how important this job is. It will be worth it.
Go Steelers! We play the Colts today and it shouldn't be a good game, we should blow them out, but I think I get nervous for every game because its like they say: "any given Sunday".
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. My husband was supposed to leave dark and early this morning, around 3, to go south to hunt. He was stoned ass drunk last night and didn't get up until about 4 and after much wrangling decided not to go. Damn it! I would have had the whole house to myself all day long and I think that is why I am grumpy. Do you ever just count on some little things and when they don't fall into place, you just feel blah? That has to be it.
So welcome to Saturday. At least I have kept up my blogging for NaBloPoMo, my blogging is pretty much about nothing, but it is consistent.
I wonder if I have a word of the day.....I do not, maybe it will arrive later.
So welcome to Saturday. At least I have kept up my blogging for NaBloPoMo, my blogging is pretty much about nothing, but it is consistent.
I wonder if I have a word of the day.....I do not, maybe it will arrive later.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Unemployed?!? I would go nuts if I really was unemployed. I've been between jobs now for 2 whole days and I am bored silly. Can't stand it. Being off on weekends is different somehow.
My husband finally shot his first of the season, a buck. I think he has been out hunting every morning before work almost every single day since opening bow season. At least I don't have to hear him moaning and whining and complaining about every little thing now (fingers crossed).
Today's Word of the Day is Olfactory which means of smell; having to do with smelling.
The sun is out this morning, it is pretty darn warm for 8:00 am, have to get outside today and do something.
I'm pretty lame, after I screwed up my blog's template last week, I said I was going to work on it, instead I just slapped another on and didn't even add back the widgets. I promise I will work on it today!
Today's Word of the Day is Olfactory which means of smell; having to do with smelling.
The sun is out this morning, it is pretty darn warm for 8:00 am, have to get outside today and do something.
I'm pretty lame, after I screwed up my blog's template last week, I said I was going to work on it, instead I just slapped another on and didn't even add back the widgets. I promise I will work on it today!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Good morning, so officially I am unemployed (and loving it), but only for the next 3 days. Kinda dreary weather outside, my middle schooler was hard to get up this morning (that's why I am not sleeping in on my days off). He's up now, getting some breakfast, I have my coffee, soon to get a shower. I think today I am going to visit Charlestown, I feel the gambling need. Wish me luck!
The Word of the Day for today is - have to open another tab and get into mail - Mot juste. It means a word or phrase that exacts fits the case, hmmm, I'll have to give an example: "With his high forehead, beard and meticulous concentration on the mot juste, Mr. MacNicol could almost pass for the great minor poet that Mark Van Doren deemed Richard to be.-- Frank Rich, 'Richard II' in the Park, New York Times, July 9, 1983", and hmmm again, I'm still a little off on this word.
I am thinking of getting a "verizon your name" domain, but I can't think of anything I really want. The few I searched for are, of course, taken. Taken but not used, not fair. I guess I will have to think about this for a while.
Have a nice day!
The Word of the Day for today is - have to open another tab and get into mail - Mot juste. It means a word or phrase that exacts fits the case, hmmm, I'll have to give an example: "With his high forehead, beard and meticulous concentration on the mot juste, Mr. MacNicol could almost pass for the great minor poet that Mark Van Doren deemed Richard to be.-- Frank Rich, 'Richard II' in the Park, New York Times, July 9, 1983", and hmmm again, I'm still a little off on this word.
I am thinking of getting a "verizon your name" domain, but I can't think of anything I really want. The few I searched for are, of course, taken. Taken but not used, not fair. I guess I will have to think about this for a while.
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So that's it, it's official, we are f'd.
Today's Word of the Day is Footless. 1. without a foot or feet; 2. figuratively, without support; not substantial; 3. inept, awkward.
Might be a little light on the Word of the Day for a while, you know, starting the new job and all.
Today's Word of the Day is Footless. 1. without a foot or feet; 2. figuratively, without support; not substantial; 3. inept, awkward.
Might be a little light on the Word of the Day for a while, you know, starting the new job and all.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pittsburgh Steelers Rule!
PITTSBURGH STEELERS RULE! How about them boys? Just trashed the deadskins, yeah, no interceptions thrown this year until you meet the Steelers. Way to go Pittsburgh!
The word for today is Epicure - 1. a person who enjoys eating and drinking and who it very particular in choosing fine foods and beverages; gourmet, 2. a person who is fond of luxury and pleasure.
The word for today is Epicure - 1. a person who enjoys eating and drinking and who it very particular in choosing fine foods and beverages; gourmet, 2. a person who is fond of luxury and pleasure.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Word of the Day
Okay, before I get to the Word of the Days (for the past 3 days), let me just remind you, in case you forgot, that I only have until Wednesday in this fair land of HUD. Do you think I am excited?
Friday's Word of the Day - Gloaming, means Twilight; dusk.
Saturday's Word of the Day - Abate - 1. to make or become less in force or intensity; decrease or diminish, 2. to be at an end; become null and void, 3. to deduct from something; reduce.
Sunday's Word of the Day - Addle - 1. to make or become muddled or confused, 2. to make or become rotten or putrid.
And Today's Word of the Day is Aquiline - 1. curved like an eagle's beak, 2. of or like an eagle.
Friday's Word of the Day - Gloaming, means Twilight; dusk.
Saturday's Word of the Day - Abate - 1. to make or become less in force or intensity; decrease or diminish, 2. to be at an end; become null and void, 3. to deduct from something; reduce.
Sunday's Word of the Day - Addle - 1. to make or become muddled or confused, 2. to make or become rotten or putrid.
And Today's Word of the Day is Aquiline - 1. curved like an eagle's beak, 2. of or like an eagle.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Good Morning all! This weekend feels like a lost weekend, I think being off on Friday (for the last 3 weeks) has done something to me. I feel like my 3 day weekends go by in a blur, I don't get anything accomplished and feel like crap. Maybe this is still apprehension over starting a new job - in 8 more days - and being finished with HUD forever. Yeah, I think that has to be a part of it.
Well, we don't play football until tomorrow night - Steelers / Deadskins, going to be a great game and we will come out victorious. Go Steelers!
Well, we don't play football until tomorrow night - Steelers / Deadskins, going to be a great game and we will come out victorious. Go Steelers!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Welcome to NaBloPoMo
I am doing it. NaBloPoMo in the month of November, I have started on my way. Wish me luck, I may need it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
This is it, I did it! I posted everyday for the month of October, I am ready for NaBloPoMo in November. I feel great, I know its not that big of a deal, but I actually reached a goal that I had set. That's almost a first and I am proud of myself. Woo Hoo!
Now, I'm gonna change the look. I changed it last night but lost the Blogger header bar at the top and I don't know why. Have to work on that.
Now, I'm gonna change the look. I changed it last night but lost the Blogger header bar at the top and I don't know why. Have to work on that.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Need a quirkiness: say your hero/detective, Martha Mavin, is a lady librarian--quiet, shy, bookish--yet she owns a Harley, say, and is the mascot for a motorcycle gang on weekends. Etc., etc.
So how did she ever get involved with a motorcycle gang? It started with her brother, who used to take her riding, and when he went off to Vietnam, he left his bike behind. When he never came back, she started riding to bring back the memory of her brother. She rides with his old gang, who are hard guys, outlaws, but not criminals, who think of her as a kindred spirit despite her bookishness.
So how did she ever get involved with a motorcycle gang? It started with her brother, who used to take her riding, and when he went off to Vietnam, he left his bike behind. When he never came back, she started riding to bring back the memory of her brother. She rides with his old gang, who are hard guys, outlaws, but not criminals, who think of her as a kindred spirit despite her bookishness.
Last day of work for the week (and a 1/2 day at that)!
drumroll please.......today's word of the day is Hubris and means overbearing pride or presumption.
okay, so a co-worker (a federal worker), someone who is a complete idiot (for real, total complete idiot) that always gets my ire up just asked me a question regarding a function I had turned over to her (since I'm leaving). That would be fine if I didn't already sit down with her 2 times (with the bosses as witnesses) and explain the whole process and where everything was AND wrote her a step-by-step cheat sheet! My kids could do this piece of crap function. And in our meetings, we even went over the cheat sheet, line by line, and when she asked me that question today, I said "have you read my cheat sheet?" and she had the nerve to say "no". She is a very good reason why I am thrilled to be getting out of here. I have absolutely no use for idiots.
drumroll please.......today's word of the day is Hubris and means overbearing pride or presumption.
okay, so a co-worker (a federal worker), someone who is a complete idiot (for real, total complete idiot) that always gets my ire up just asked me a question regarding a function I had turned over to her (since I'm leaving). That would be fine if I didn't already sit down with her 2 times (with the bosses as witnesses) and explain the whole process and where everything was AND wrote her a step-by-step cheat sheet! My kids could do this piece of crap function. And in our meetings, we even went over the cheat sheet, line by line, and when she asked me that question today, I said "have you read my cheat sheet?" and she had the nerve to say "no". She is a very good reason why I am thrilled to be getting out of here. I have absolutely no use for idiots.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Here's the process: start with an idea, then create biographies for the major characters, including the murderer. The murderer has a plan for murder, "the plot behind the plot".
Once you have the plot behind the plot and know what the murderer is up to, the next step is to make a stepsheet for the plot, which is a detailed, comprehensive plan for a damn good mystery. After the stepsheet is finished, the next step is doing a rough draft, then a working draft, then perhaps a second working draft, then a final draft, and then a polish or two to make the prose gleam. By going about it in such an organized way, it should take, for an 80,000-word novel, about 3 to 5 months, full time; 6 to 8 months, part time.
~ James N. Frey (How to Write a Damn Good Mystery)
Once you have the plot behind the plot and know what the murderer is up to, the next step is to make a stepsheet for the plot, which is a detailed, comprehensive plan for a damn good mystery. After the stepsheet is finished, the next step is doing a rough draft, then a working draft, then perhaps a second working draft, then a final draft, and then a polish or two to make the prose gleam. By going about it in such an organized way, it should take, for an 80,000-word novel, about 3 to 5 months, full time; 6 to 8 months, part time.
~ James N. Frey (How to Write a Damn Good Mystery)
Well, I've blogged everyday in October (2 to go) so I am ready for NaBloPoMo in November!
And today's Word of the Day is Bivouac. It means 1. an encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter, 2. to encamp for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
1/2 a day of work today, leaving about 11:45am, I am definitely on the short-timers list. I think I have about 28.5 hours left to work at HUD then I MOVE ON!
And today's Word of the Day is Bivouac. It means 1. an encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter, 2. to encamp for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
1/2 a day of work today, leaving about 11:45am, I am definitely on the short-timers list. I think I have about 28.5 hours left to work at HUD then I MOVE ON!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
National Peanut Butter Month

Formula: 2nd draft = 1st draft - 10%. ~ Stephen King rejection note
So this is the book I am currently reading. This is a fantastic book, I can't say enough about it. Interesting as hell, truthful, insightful, funny, sarcastic, etc., etc., I could go on forever. I highly recommend this book!
Today's Word of the Day is Execrable: 1. deserving to be execrated; detestable; abominable, 2. extremely bad; of very poor quality, very inferior.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I had this nightmare last night, not just a bad dream, a full-fledged nightmare. My husband even had to wake me up and ask me if I was okay. I was shaking like crazy after that. And yes, I wanted to, I should have, but I didn't get my butt out of bed and write it down. I wanted it for writing fodder and I screwed up. I just wanted to sleep, this must have been about 2:30am and I do get up for work at 4:30, that's my excuse, lame as it is.
I tried to remember the nightmare this morning and all I can remember is something about riding on a bus, I think a school bus. I'm still trying to remember pieces.
That will teach me, next time get out of bed and write it down!
I tried to remember the nightmare this morning and all I can remember is something about riding on a bus, I think a school bus. I'm still trying to remember pieces.
That will teach me, next time get out of bed and write it down!
How weird is this, just now, I received Sunday's Word of the Day in my inbox. I received today's at 7:44am and yesterday's today at 8:37am. Wow, strange. Anyhow, Sunday's Word of the Day is Genuflect, 1. to bend the knee or touch one knee to the ground, as in worship; 2. to be servilely respectful or obedient, to grovel.
100 Posts
Orange for Halloween - Yes, my last post made it 100! I think that's amazing. and....only 4 more days and I will have posted every day of October. That's a major accomplishment for me.
Have a good morning all.
Have a good morning all.
Couple of things...
First, let's get to the missed "words of the day". Friday's word of the day was Limn, meaning 1. to depict by drawing or painting, 2. to portray in words, to describe.
Saturday's word was Quandary - a state of difficulty, perplexity, doubt or uncertainty.
I'm starting to think they don't do the Word of the Day on Sundays. But today's word is Corroborate, which means to strengthen or make more certain with other evidence.
As for the world of sports, yesterday was a sad, sad day. My beloved Steelers made mistakes and lost to the Giants, we definitely should have won that game, just screwed it up.
Saturday's word was Quandary - a state of difficulty, perplexity, doubt or uncertainty.
I'm starting to think they don't do the Word of the Day on Sundays. But today's word is Corroborate, which means to strengthen or make more certain with other evidence.
As for the world of sports, yesterday was a sad, sad day. My beloved Steelers made mistakes and lost to the Giants, we definitely should have won that game, just screwed it up.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What the heck is wrong with Pitt! How can you lose to Rutgers, that's dreadful. And with Southern Florida losing, we could have moved up and been the best in the Big East. Well, we still are the best in the Big East, but geez!
The rain has stopped, it's still a tad warm outside. Hubby and friend haven't gotten home yet from hunting. They went down to Orange County to a friend's property and I haven't gotten any pictures or messages so I guess it's safe to say they are still deerless. He leaves again on Wednesday to hunt and will come home on Sunday.
The rain has stopped, it's still a tad warm outside. Hubby and friend haven't gotten home yet from hunting. They went down to Orange County to a friend's property and I haven't gotten any pictures or messages so I guess it's safe to say they are still deerless. He leaves again on Wednesday to hunt and will come home on Sunday.
So it's Saturday and it's actually raining. We haven't had rain in a long ass time. My kids thought (and we told them) that they had weed-whacked and cut the grass for the last time last week. If we get the rain they say we may get, over an inch, I think we lied to the kids. Boy do we need the rain though. And its warm, well relatively so, it seems like its in the 60's, it feels like 50 in the house.
Based on my last few posts, you may be able to tell that I am reading "On Writing" by Stephen King. It is a great book. It is a memoir with a "how to write" them to it. Extremely great book and I highly recommend it.
Based on my last few posts, you may be able to tell that I am reading "On Writing" by Stephen King. It is a great book. It is a memoir with a "how to write" them to it. Extremely great book and I highly recommend it.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What kind of Doll are you?
My Result is: I am a Rag Doll.

Just like a rag doll, you are plain and simple. You don’t go for fashion and accessories. You really hate crowds but you're very friendly. You are bestfriend material.
Take What kind of Doll are you? Quiz
My Result is: I am a Rag Doll.
Just like a rag doll, you are plain and simple. You don’t go for fashion and accessories. You really hate crowds but you're very friendly. You are bestfriend material.
Take What kind of Doll are you? Quiz
Today is my Friday! Yes, I am trying to use all of the sick leave and comp time before I quit and get paid for my vacation that I have accrued. So TGIF!
The word of the day for today (Thursday) is Plenary: 1. full in all respects; complete; absolute; as, plenary authority. 2. fully attended by all qualified members.
The word of the day for today (Thursday) is Plenary: 1. full in all respects; complete; absolute; as, plenary authority. 2. fully attended by all qualified members.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So I found this little quiz today:
Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz
My results for the : "Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz" ...
I Am a Marilyn!
I am a Marilyn -- "I am affectionate and skeptical."

Marilyns are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family, friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved and timid to outspoken and confrontative.
How to Get Along with Me
* Be direct and clear
* Listen to me carefully
* Don't judge me for my anxiety
* Work things through with me
* Reassure me that everything is OK between us
* Laugh and make jokes with me
* Gently push me toward new experiences
* Try not to overreact to my overreacting.
What I Like About Being a Marilyn
* being committed and faithful to family and friends
* being responsible and hardworking
* being compassionate toward others
* having intellect and wit
* being a nonconformist
* confronting danger bravely
* being direct and assertive
What's Hard About Being a Marilyn
* the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind
* procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence in myself
* fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of
* exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for danger
* wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do everything right
* being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up to my expectations
Marilyns as Children Often
* are friendly, likable, and dependable, and/or sarcastic, bossy, and stubborn
* are anxious and hypervigilant; anticipate danger
* form a team of "us against them" with a best friend or parent
* look to groups or authorities to protect them and/or question authority and rebel
* are neglected or abused, come from unpredictable or alcoholic families, and/or take on the fearfulness of an overly anxious parent
Marilyns as Parents
* are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong sense of duty
* are sometimes reluctant to give their children independence
* worry more than most that their children will get hurt
* sometimes have trouble saying no and setting boundaries
Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz
My results for the : "Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz" ...
I Am a Marilyn!
I am a Marilyn -- "I am affectionate and skeptical."

Marilyns are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family, friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved and timid to outspoken and confrontative.
How to Get Along with Me
* Be direct and clear
* Listen to me carefully
* Don't judge me for my anxiety
* Work things through with me
* Reassure me that everything is OK between us
* Laugh and make jokes with me
* Gently push me toward new experiences
* Try not to overreact to my overreacting.
What I Like About Being a Marilyn
* being committed and faithful to family and friends
* being responsible and hardworking
* being compassionate toward others
* having intellect and wit
* being a nonconformist
* confronting danger bravely
* being direct and assertive
What's Hard About Being a Marilyn
* the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind
* procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence in myself
* fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of
* exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for danger
* wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do everything right
* being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up to my expectations
Marilyns as Children Often
* are friendly, likable, and dependable, and/or sarcastic, bossy, and stubborn
* are anxious and hypervigilant; anticipate danger
* form a team of "us against them" with a best friend or parent
* look to groups or authorities to protect them and/or question authority and rebel
* are neglected or abused, come from unpredictable or alcoholic families, and/or take on the fearfulness of an overly anxious parent
Marilyns as Parents
* are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong sense of duty
* are sometimes reluctant to give their children independence
* worry more than most that their children will get hurt
* sometimes have trouble saying no and setting boundaries
Let's clarify my previous post: I'm not that big of a person, rather tiny actually and I do not take up much room, which I understand makes for better pickings when you are looking for a seat on a crowded bus or metro. But come on, I have a half a seat and this person has his and half of mine. Maybe he should just stand, after all, standing expends more calories than sitting does so it can only help him.
Sorry, just not feeling well again. I really should have just stayed in bed.
Any how, how about today's word of the day? It is the same as yesterday? How rude is that! Not me that screwed up this time. Sorry, I guess we have to wait until tomorrow.
Have a great Wednesday!
Sorry, just not feeling well again. I really should have just stayed in bed.
Any how, how about today's word of the day? It is the same as yesterday? How rude is that! Not me that screwed up this time. Sorry, I guess we have to wait until tomorrow.
Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Good Morning! It's time to catch up on our Words of the Day, I am backlogged at 4. Let's get started:
Saturday: Alfresco - 1. in the open air; outdoors, 2. taking place or located in the open air; outdoors.
Sunday: Malfeasance - wrongdoing, misconduct, or misbehavior, especially by a public official.
Monday: Bailiwick - 1. a person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work. 2. the office or district of a bailiff.
Today (Tuesday): Synecdoche - a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole or whole for a part or general for the special or vice versa. (HUH?) Example: when we refer to a smart person as a "brain", or when we say "emaciated mother" and can picture the horrors of the whole.
Wow, too much learning this early in the morning.
Saturday: Alfresco - 1. in the open air; outdoors, 2. taking place or located in the open air; outdoors.
Sunday: Malfeasance - wrongdoing, misconduct, or misbehavior, especially by a public official.
Monday: Bailiwick - 1. a person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work. 2. the office or district of a bailiff.
Today (Tuesday): Synecdoche - a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole or whole for a part or general for the special or vice versa. (HUH?) Example: when we refer to a smart person as a "brain", or when we say "emaciated mother" and can picture the horrors of the whole.
Wow, too much learning this early in the morning.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Well, today was a long day, didn't feel good for most of it, actually all of it now that I think about it. It has alot to do with allergies and the football sunday partying didn't help.
So, I have done pretty good with blogging every day, I'm actually proud of myself. Of course, being able to blog with my voyager is probably the only reason I made it every day so far. NaBloPoMo Rocks!
Have a nice evening everybody,
So, I have done pretty good with blogging every day, I'm actually proud of myself. Of course, being able to blog with my voyager is probably the only reason I made it every day so far. NaBloPoMo Rocks!
Have a nice evening everybody,
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Murder on the ____________ Line
In the midst of an evacuation of a Federal building, a person(s) comes up missing.....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today is Wednesday and I can't wait until it is over. Reality is I can't wait until the election is over, I am tired of the debates, I am tired of the commercials, I am tired of the mudslinging, I am tired of the surveys, and I am tired of the political crap taking over my shows' timeslots. Once again, another week missing some shows: no Private Practice and no Dirty Sexy Money. How many days until election day? 20 days and maybe then we can get back (or get started) on some semblance of normalcy. Though, that thought in and of itself is way up in the air and has to depend on the outcome of election day. There has to be a better way.
Today's Word of the Day is Waylay. It means: 1. to lie in wait for and attack from ambush, 2. to approach or stop (someone) unexpectedly. As a teacher would say, "how would you use this word in a sentence?".
Uh oh, my cell phone is ringing (I'm at work), okay my cell phone is vibrating, it is the call I have been waiting for. Wait, it is vibrating again. Please just leave me a good message and I will go outside and call you back. Please, Please, Please, be good.
Today's Word of the Day is Waylay. It means: 1. to lie in wait for and attack from ambush, 2. to approach or stop (someone) unexpectedly. As a teacher would say, "how would you use this word in a sentence?".
Uh oh, my cell phone is ringing (I'm at work), okay my cell phone is vibrating, it is the call I have been waiting for. Wait, it is vibrating again. Please just leave me a good message and I will go outside and call you back. Please, Please, Please, be good.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So I was over cruising on NaNoWriMo and came across a post that talked about the 24 words that are possibly heading for extinction from the "dictionary". I just thought I would repeat the words here, with their definitions, for anyone who is interested (and so I can have a remembrance of them).
Abstergent - cleansing or scouring
Agrestic - rural; rustic; unpolished; uncouth
Apodeictic - unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration
Caducity - perishableness; senility
Caliginosity - dimness; darkness
Compossible - possible in coexistence with something else
Embrangle - to confuse or entangle
Exuviate - to shed (a skin or similar outer covering)
Fatidical - prophetic
Fubsy - short and stout; squat
Griseous - streaked or mixed with grey; somewhat grey
Malison - a curse
Mansuetude - gentleness or mildness
Muliebrity - the condition of being a woman
Niddering - cowardly
Nitid - bright; glistening
Olid - foul-smelling
Oppugnant - combative, antagonistic, or contrary
Periapt - a charm or amulet
Recrement - waste matter; refuse; dross
Roborant - tending to fortify or increase strength
Skirr - a whirring or grating sound, as of the wings of birds in flight
Vaticinate - to foretell; prophesy
Vilipend - to treat or regard with contempt
So exactly what did these words do to deserve banishment?
Abstergent - cleansing or scouring
Agrestic - rural; rustic; unpolished; uncouth
Apodeictic - unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration
Caducity - perishableness; senility
Caliginosity - dimness; darkness
Compossible - possible in coexistence with something else
Embrangle - to confuse or entangle
Exuviate - to shed (a skin or similar outer covering)
Fatidical - prophetic
Fubsy - short and stout; squat
Griseous - streaked or mixed with grey; somewhat grey
Malison - a curse
Mansuetude - gentleness or mildness
Muliebrity - the condition of being a woman
Niddering - cowardly
Nitid - bright; glistening
Olid - foul-smelling
Oppugnant - combative, antagonistic, or contrary
Periapt - a charm or amulet
Recrement - waste matter; refuse; dross
Roborant - tending to fortify or increase strength
Skirr - a whirring or grating sound, as of the wings of birds in flight
Vaticinate - to foretell; prophesy
Vilipend - to treat or regard with contempt
So exactly what did these words do to deserve banishment?
Good morning, I removed the annoying signature I had attaching to all of my posts (it was just too big and distracting). I like it better this way.
The weather here is absolutely gorgeous today, definitely a little warmer than normal Fall, though I did hear that by the weekend we should get back to average October weather.
Have a great day!
The weather here is absolutely gorgeous today, definitely a little warmer than normal Fall, though I did hear that by the weekend we should get back to average October weather.
Have a great day!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Well, here's the update: I talked with the HR lady bright and early this morning. Apparently the clearance I had years ago is enough to start the job! Providing I passed the drug test that I took yesterday, and there really is no reason to think I didn't, I am in! The drug lady said the results should be back tomorrow, of course, the HR lady said they sometimes have difficulty getting the results to the correct office and it could take a week or so. Typical actually.
And, as I was standing at the main desk getting admitted to the building for my drug test, who do I see? Bob, the security guy that I will be working with. One of the gentlemen that interviewed me. That was great. He asked me if I was happy and I said "very" and told him that I didn't feel too good about how the interview went and he said that I actually blew everyone else away, that's why they didn't narrow it down to a final 3. That made me feel awesome!
So, just a few more weeks and I am back in the government, not a contractor anymore. Can you say stability and pension (I know, I know how things are going right now) and annual raises again? Woo hoo!
Oh yeah, and I don't think I like the signature, it takes up too much space and makes the posts look messy. I think it has to go.
And, as I was standing at the main desk getting admitted to the building for my drug test, who do I see? Bob, the security guy that I will be working with. One of the gentlemen that interviewed me. That was great. He asked me if I was happy and I said "very" and told him that I didn't feel too good about how the interview went and he said that I actually blew everyone else away, that's why they didn't narrow it down to a final 3. That made me feel awesome!
So, just a few more weeks and I am back in the government, not a contractor anymore. Can you say stability and pension (I know, I know how things are going right now) and annual raises again? Woo hoo!
Oh yeah, and I don't think I like the signature, it takes up too much space and makes the posts look messy. I think it has to go.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Good morning, good morning. Today is drug test day, step one will be over.
My hubby leaves today for hunting camp and it can't be soon enough. He gets so intense and testy and just yelling about everything about 2 days before he leaves. I don't know why, maybe he's worried he'll forget something or just so excited that the tiniest of things set him off. It really makes for a tense household. GO! He definitely will be gone when I get home from work and the boys and I can have a couple of quiet days and evenings. He is even taking the dog. Good luck hunting, hope you get one.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Our realtor called when I got home from work yesterday. The gentleman who looked at our house on Friday afternoon went and put a contract down on it that night. D was trying to stall getting the contract to us to sign at least until the weekend was over. We did have 3 others visit the house on Saturday. I think he was trying to push competition. Any how, we signed the contract last night and now it is in the bank's hands. I'm not holding my breath, this is the second contract that has been put down on our house since it has been listed.
Wow, got home, opened the mail, and there were J's interims. I already had B's. So, J has 1 solid A, 2 B's that are 1 point away from an A, and 1 C that is 2 points away from a B in his core classes. He has never done this well, I am thrilled and you can tell he was pretty proud of himself too when I was gushing over him. B had 3 A's and 2 B's in his core classes, again, has never done that well. And these are 2 boys who just moved up into High School and Middle School. Yeah! Go kids!
Hubby leaves for the woods tomorrow, probably pretty early, way before I get home from work. That's cool, this is what he loves to do and if doing this makes him not so grumpy, go for it.
Have a nice Tuesday morning.
Wow, got home, opened the mail, and there were J's interims. I already had B's. So, J has 1 solid A, 2 B's that are 1 point away from an A, and 1 C that is 2 points away from a B in his core classes. He has never done this well, I am thrilled and you can tell he was pretty proud of himself too when I was gushing over him. B had 3 A's and 2 B's in his core classes, again, has never done that well. And these are 2 boys who just moved up into High School and Middle School. Yeah! Go kids!
Hubby leaves for the woods tomorrow, probably pretty early, way before I get home from work. That's cool, this is what he loves to do and if doing this makes him not so grumpy, go for it.
Have a nice Tuesday morning.
Monday, October 6, 2008
I'm tired, I think I stayed up too late last night watching the Steeler game. Well, I guess it didn't help that I went out drinking at halftime for about an hour. Oh well, you only live once (so they say).
My hubby is hunting today, he just called and hasn't got one yet. They will be back after dark he said. And, they are leaving Wednesday to go down to camp and won't come home until Sunday, woohoo! Peace and quiet for a little bit. My kids leave Friday for Disney World, so I will have Friday, Friday night, and Saturday morning all to myself. Then at some point Saturday afternoon, I will drive down to camp and stay the final night. The guys he hunts with are all awesome guys and getting up there in age.
I just took a picture of what I am typing. Wanna see?

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
So I have to be out of my house between 1:30 and 4:30 today for 2 realtors who want to show our house. Our house is such a disaster, it is cluttered to the max. My husband is a huge slob who just leaves everything laying around. I think in the 4 years that we've lived here, I've been able to use my kitchen table maybe 3 times. It is constantly covered with his work stuff, his hunting stuff, his fishing stuff, everything. The next house, there will definitely be ground rules established in the beginning.
Sitting here at the computer (in my husband's messy cluttered office), looking out the windows, what a gorgeous day. Not too cool, I have on shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt (Steelers of course), the sun is shining, it is absolutely fabulous out. This is a perfect Fall day. Oh yeah, and my husband is hunting; it is opening bow day, and my boys are at the their dad's this weekend. So, yes, an absolutely perfect Fall day!
Today is October 4th and I've managed to write in my blog everyday this month for NaBloPoMo, I am very proud of myself. I know, only 4 days in, but still, I think its great. I'm pretty sure that I can make it the whole month, I know I will definitely try, and that would be an accomplishment.
Vote: still the theme of the month. I can't wait until the election is over, I am so tired of the blaming back and forth, JUST DO YOUR JOB.
Sitting here at the computer (in my husband's messy cluttered office), looking out the windows, what a gorgeous day. Not too cool, I have on shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt (Steelers of course), the sun is shining, it is absolutely fabulous out. This is a perfect Fall day. Oh yeah, and my husband is hunting; it is opening bow day, and my boys are at the their dad's this weekend. So, yes, an absolutely perfect Fall day!
Today is October 4th and I've managed to write in my blog everyday this month for NaBloPoMo, I am very proud of myself. I know, only 4 days in, but still, I think its great. I'm pretty sure that I can make it the whole month, I know I will definitely try, and that would be an accomplishment.
Vote: still the theme of the month. I can't wait until the election is over, I am so tired of the blaming back and forth, JUST DO YOUR JOB.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Well, I talked with the HR lady and I have been tentatively offered the position, it will be based on my passing a drug test (no problem) and getting my TS SCI (hmm). It is position I interviewed for last week and really want! (keeping fingers crossed)
In other news, the bailout bill just passed the House by about 92 votes, wonder what will happen now?
In other news, the bailout bill just passed the House by about 92 votes, wonder what will happen now?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tonight is the VP Presidential debate and they (the media) are just making way too much of a big deal about it. How about this? Let it happen and then throw your 2 cents worth in. Wouldn't that be a great idea, instead of planting seeds in people's minds about how it is going to end before it actually airs. Give them a break and let's see how it pans out.
Oh yeah, and I have to check, but it better not pre-empt Grey's Anatomy!
Oh yeah, and I have to check, but it better not pre-empt Grey's Anatomy!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Vote is the theme for October on NaBloPoMo. I probably won't have much to say about it. I am a registered voter and have never missed an election since I turned 18. Having said that, I am not thrilled with this year's presidential campaign and am at odds with myself as to whether or not I actually vote. Now, I will visit the polls because I will vote in my local elections, but I am torn between not voting, settling on a candidate, or writing in a name for president and vice president. This is a tough one because I actually do believe everyone should vote. I just think this campaign has many, many issues and after what Bush did, I know anyone will be better, but I think we have the bottom of the barrel. Just my personal 2 cents and I'm not interested in anyone slamming me for my 2 cents that I have not foisted on anyone.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Murder on the Metro (take 2)
How about a series? Murder on the Orange Line, Murder on the Blue Line, Murder on the Yellow Line, Murder on the Green Line, and Murder on the Red Line. (Eventually a Murder on the Purple Line, so they have planned).
I like that idea. Set in Virginia, DC, and Maryland. 5 different killers. Or, let's stop and think. Maybe one book, 5 major sections? Hmmm, think, think, think.
At least its in writing, I have something to start with. (and this is my copyrighted material - see the bottom of my page)
I like that idea. Set in Virginia, DC, and Maryland. 5 different killers. Or, let's stop and think. Maybe one book, 5 major sections? Hmmm, think, think, think.
At least its in writing, I have something to start with. (and this is my copyrighted material - see the bottom of my page)
starts tomorrow. I'm pretty sure my first post will be mobile while I am riding in on the bus or metro. Can't wait, hope I can get through the whole month.
Murder on the Metro
New series? Totally dependent on the metro, doesn't own a car? Always a 1/2 mile or so away from a metro station? Gotta think about this one. Download the metro station map and plot it out. Rename the stations and cities and roads.
Monday, September 29, 2008
So i started back at the gym tonight, yeah! and of course i'm only gone an hour, can't take my phone in the gym, and there is a slight emergency at home. more latr.
So the emergency was that the cops came to the house, a neighbor (who is totally wacko) called the cops on my son. For whatever reason, she has issues with him. Thinks he picks on her kids, tells him that pointing at her house is illegal, won't let the boys get the football out of her front yard when it accidentally goes there. We live on a court and everyone has had issues with this freak. She flies down the street in her van, without regard for all the little kids that live on the street and may be outside playing. Just once I want her to come to me if she "thinks" my kids have done something. I'll tell her what a freak she is and how much she is off her rocker. The cop that showed up even told her that this was not something they should have been called on. My 2 boys and a couple of the other boys were just standing there staring (ok, they were trying to be intimidating I suppose, and they probably shouldn't have been doing it), and she freaked out and went to call the cops. My husband was home, he watched the whole thing go down. She is a witch and a coward. Come on and confront me with my kids "bad" things they do, see what that will get you. (It would probably get me a visit by the cops).
So the emergency was that the cops came to the house, a neighbor (who is totally wacko) called the cops on my son. For whatever reason, she has issues with him. Thinks he picks on her kids, tells him that pointing at her house is illegal, won't let the boys get the football out of her front yard when it accidentally goes there. We live on a court and everyone has had issues with this freak. She flies down the street in her van, without regard for all the little kids that live on the street and may be outside playing. Just once I want her to come to me if she "thinks" my kids have done something. I'll tell her what a freak she is and how much she is off her rocker. The cop that showed up even told her that this was not something they should have been called on. My 2 boys and a couple of the other boys were just standing there staring (ok, they were trying to be intimidating I suppose, and they probably shouldn't have been doing it), and she freaked out and went to call the cops. My husband was home, he watched the whole thing go down. She is a witch and a coward. Come on and confront me with my kids "bad" things they do, see what that will get you. (It would probably get me a visit by the cops).
Welcome to Monday
For a Monday, today isn't too bad. I didn't stay up late watching football, actually fell asleep in my recliner and put myself to bed at 10 (no idea how long I had already slept). Tonight, finally, my Steelers play. GO STEELERS!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
the weekend
I am really liking having my own blog, I never thought I would. I thought there wasn't time to write, that I would have to create these huge long diatribes and wouldn't know what to say, but this is kinda cool. I know, I'm weird. I love the fact that I can be sitting at the bar, or in the car, or just in a room without a computer and I can write a few random things in a text message and poof, hit the send button and its here. No, I am not computer illiterate, I work with computers, I develop systems and applications, I guess I am just amazed at myself for wanting to do this. THANK YOU BLOGGER!
So my kids are at VillageFest, B will probably be there all day, J will be back and forth. First, J has no money and didn't ask for any, so he will definitely be back. I took B and bought his all day wristband, he didn't want any money for food, probably because his shorts don't have pockets and he didn't want to carry it. He even gave me his phone to bring home. He said he'll use someone else's when he's ready to come home. He can walk home, its not far at all, he's just a little lazy.
So the would-be murderer/novelist them is starting to grow on me, I've been thinking about it alot. Thinking doesn't get me anywhere though, I should be carrying my notebook with me instead of a book to read when I go sit at the quiet bar. I think its called motivation (or fear). Maybe I don't want to be rejected. I'll get there, I know I will, I'm closer than I ever was before. Hey, I'm blogging, that's a start. And I am going to take part in NaBloPoMo, if I can accomplish that, I will feel very good.
And its officially hunting season, which means my husband will be gone alot. Then I won't feel so guilty for doing nothing. Not that writing and reading are nothing, but according to him, at the moment he doesn't know what I am planning, they are not getting anything done.
Someday, it will surprise him. Matter of fact, about a week ago, he asked me why I didn't just write a book instead of reading all the time. I told him I was planning on it and I think it caught him a little off guard. Maybe he didn't know whether or not I was serious, so he dropped the subject. Go me!
So my kids are at VillageFest, B will probably be there all day, J will be back and forth. First, J has no money and didn't ask for any, so he will definitely be back. I took B and bought his all day wristband, he didn't want any money for food, probably because his shorts don't have pockets and he didn't want to carry it. He even gave me his phone to bring home. He said he'll use someone else's when he's ready to come home. He can walk home, its not far at all, he's just a little lazy.
So the would-be murderer/novelist them is starting to grow on me, I've been thinking about it alot. Thinking doesn't get me anywhere though, I should be carrying my notebook with me instead of a book to read when I go sit at the quiet bar. I think its called motivation (or fear). Maybe I don't want to be rejected. I'll get there, I know I will, I'm closer than I ever was before. Hey, I'm blogging, that's a start. And I am going to take part in NaBloPoMo, if I can accomplish that, I will feel very good.
And its officially hunting season, which means my husband will be gone alot. Then I won't feel so guilty for doing nothing. Not that writing and reading are nothing, but according to him, at the moment he doesn't know what I am planning, they are not getting anything done.
Someday, it will surprise him. Matter of fact, about a week ago, he asked me why I didn't just write a book instead of reading all the time. I told him I was planning on it and I think it caught him a little off guard. Maybe he didn't know whether or not I was serious, so he dropped the subject. Go me!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
okay, so I have an interview today. YEAH! Wish me luck, I want this job. It is with the Department of the Interior. I am sort of nervous, I hate that part.
And finally, the shows have returned. Tonight is the return of Grey's Anatomy, its been awhile. I don't see Private Practice or Dirty Sexy Money anywhere, but then again, I haven't really looked very hard.
Have to go to the library so I better get going so I can get back home in time to get dressed for my interview......
And finally, the shows have returned. Tonight is the return of Grey's Anatomy, its been awhile. I don't see Private Practice or Dirty Sexy Money anywhere, but then again, I haven't really looked very hard.
Have to go to the library so I better get going so I can get back home in time to get dressed for my interview......
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
welcome to me
I'm new here, yeah, welcome to me. I have no idea why I wanted a blog, I just did. Someday I want to write a book. I have started bits and pieces of it and thought if I got in the habit of putting some random thoughts down in writing that would help. And what better way than being able to just shoot them to a blog, hopefully via mobile.
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