Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving to all! It is a day to be thankful for. It's just going to be a nice calm day around here. My kids are at their dad's until Sunday, my hubby is hunting right now, and I am getting ready to bake bread (mmmm, love that smell). In about an hour and a half, I will put in my Italian spiced turkey, my hubby will come home, and we will head out to his sister's for a couple of hours. After that we will come home, pull the turkey out, get the rest of the feast cooked and eat. Then, my hubby will once again leave for hunting. I really don't mind that, I enjoy the quiet time and we (I) will have leftovers. I absolutely love Thanksgiving leftovers. So I better get a move on it, I still need a shower.

And I have blogged every day this month (so far), 3 more days to go!

Everyone have a great, safe, and happy Thanksgiving!

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